My New Spice Rack
I bought this old milk crate from a friend's garage sale a few months ago for two dollars and wasn't quite sure what to do with it. I have been antiquing since then and seen these same crates priced as high as $20. I got the steal! On the day we moved into our new house, my friend Lizzie stayed all day to help me get my kitchen in order. We came across this piece and she suggested I use it as a spice rack. I spray painted it white and ordered these little cannisters from Specialy Bottle.
They were only 75 cents a piece. I think it turned out pretty cute and it goes well in my kitchen which is mint green and white with stainless appliances. I enjoy the little pops of color in each container. It was an easy project that added a whole lot of spice in my life.
That Lizzie! This is why she needs a blog. I love those cannisters. I have a bunch that I got at World Market.