Saturday, February 14, 2009

Ajvar: Serbian Salsa

Saturday mornings are my favorite because I go work out and then head down to the River Market and pick up a week's worth of fresh produce from the market. It is my routine every weekend and I do not feel like myself, if I do not make it down there. I bring my little blue basket and fill it up to the brim every time with seasonal goodies.

This morning, I made a special stop at Al Habashi, the Middle Eastern grocery store. I picked up some dried apricots for cookies I am planning on baking tomorrow (which I will post), dried papaya, fresh pitas, and a jar of ajvar. Ajvar is a type of Serbian salsa and consists of fire roasted red peppers and eggplant, salt, vinegar, vegetable oil, and spices. It is a delicious spread and I decided to eat it for lunch today by dipping freshly baked and still warm pita in the dip. Yummmmm. It almost tastes like pimento cheese but a lot healthier because it doesn't have all of the cheese and mayo in it. Growing up in the south, I learned to love pimento cheese spread. Now, this will be my healthy alternative! If you can find it at your local grocery store, I suggest you check it out. You will not be dissapointed.

1 comment:

  1. oh yummm, I gotta get some of that. I LOVE the pitas from down there. I just toast them with butter usually, so this is a good new idea!
